Open the console in-game with the ~ key (above the Tab key), It also overwrites several functions, replacing them with SSE implementations instead of the very painfully slow original x87 implementations. It replaces many calls to functions that would have been inlined if the compiler optimizer settings were set to something higher than "off" with actual inline code that nicely fits in the five bytes the jump instruction was previously taking up.

Launch Skyrim using skse_loader.exe from the SKSE install. Create the SKSE and Plugins folders if they don't exist. Install this mod, TESV Acceleration Layer, through Nexus Mod Manager, or manually to \Data\SKSE\Plugins. SKSE must be installed to the same folder as Skyrim's executable (TESV.exe). Install SKSE (Skyrim Script Extender) latest version from.

Note: TESV Acceleration has been discontinued, the below link is to another Skyrim performance mod. Users typically report 8-10 FPS increase some see 2-4, while others have reported an average of 20 FPS incease.

TESV Acceleration Layer Skyrim mod by Arisu and others.ĭescription: A SKSE (Skyrim Script Extender) plugin to increase FPS (frames per second) in CPU-heavy areas of the game.